Next up was picture hanging. I have these four pictures that I had taken in Italy years ago. I hung them with the starburst mirror, but ultimately I would like to do a gallery wall above the sofa. For now, I am using what I have and saving $$.
My dad finally hung my quadrille mirror. So glad it's not still leaning against the wall, I can finally use it to check my hair before leaving the house:)
And lastly my dad convinced me to buy a TV! I had not owned a TV for three years and never really missed having one. Something switched in me after buying my home. I wanted to hang out in the living room, but there was no reason to. It needed an anchor, and it has become my new beloved TV. I am happy to say my evenings are now filled with all shows BravoTV. My dad would be less than proud:)
Thanks Dad for the great visit and help with the house, it's coming along!
Looks great! And I like the vintage chair and hutch...